adrian paci

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Adrian Paci was born in Shkodër, Albania in 1969. Paci lives and works between Milan and Shkodër.

Using his own experience of immigration from Albania to Italy, and stories of family and friends, Paci addresses issues such as exile, identity, memory and collective history. Paci’s body of work looks back on those tumultuous times, addressing the radical political shifts of his homeland as it transitioned away from communism to a chaotic free market economy and his subsequent experiences as an artist in exile.

Using media such as video, installation, painting, and photography, Paci reflects upon an existential condition – dislocation, loss and the rediscovery of one’s origins with a sense of immediacy and irony. His investigations lead him to question the role of the artist and the true nature of the work of art, in an ongoing, subtle celebration of everyday life.

Through his work, Paci inserted himself into social situations, engaging both his private and public life in an effort to discover -or recover- how we live, by creating works situated in our everyday lives, Paci reveals how our experiences are interconnected and how they are shaped by our environmental boundaries.

selected museum exhibitions

throughout his career, paci held numerous solo exhibitions in various international institutions including Galeria Cukrarna, Ljubljana (2024); haifa museum of art, Israel, haifa (2022); kushtalle krems, Krems (2019); salzburger kunstverein, Salzburg (2019); national gallery of art, tirana (2019); the national taiwan museum of fine arts, taichung (2018); museo novecento, florence (2017); chiostri di sant’eustorgio, milan (2017); unsw | art & design, paddington (2016); maxxi-musei nazionale delle arti del xxi secolo, rome (2015); trondheim kunstmuseum, trondheim (2014); röda sten konsthall, goteborg (2014); mac, musée d’art contemporain de montréal (2014); pac-padiglione d’arte contemporanea, milan (2014); jeu de paume, paris (2013); national gallery of kosovo, prishtina (2012); kunsthaus zurich, zurich (2010); bloomberg space, london (2010); cca-the center for contemporary art, tel aviv (2009); museum am ostwall, dortmund (2007); moma ps1, new york (2006); and contemporary arts museum, houston (2005), among others.

Paci’s work has been featured in 22nd Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil, brasil (2023); Manifesta 14, kosovo (2022); the Bienal de la Imagen En Movimiento, Buenos Aires (2018); the 7th Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture, Shenzhen (2017); 14th International Architecture Exhibition, Venice Biennial (2014); 2nd Bienal de Montevideo, Uruguay (2014); Busan Biennale, South Korea (2014); 12th International Cuenca Biennial, Ecuador (2014); 4th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art (2013); International Contemporary Art Biennale of Melle, France (2011); the Lyon Biennale (2009); TICAB Tirana Biennial (2009); the 10th Habana Biennale, Cuba (2009); the 8th Baltic Biennial of Contemporary Art, Poland (2009); the 15th Rome Quadriennale (2008); the International Triennale of Contemporary Arts, Prague (2008); the 3rd Prague Biennale (2008); the Biennale of Sydney (2006); the Busan Biennale, South Korea (2006); the Biennale Visual Arts, Goteborg (2006); the 51st Venice Biennale (2005); the Sevilla Biennale (2004); the Cetinje Biennale, Montenegro (2004); the Tallin Triennale (2004); 2nd Tirana Biennal (2003); 5th Werkleitz Biennial, Berlin (2003); 1st Tirana Biennale (2001); the 1st Valencia Biennal (2001); the 48th Venice Biennale (1999).


public collections

Paci’s work is held in the public collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami; Seattle Art Museum, Seattle; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Fond National Art Contemporain, Paris; Kunsthaus Zurich, Zurich; Moderna Museet, Stockholm; Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund, Germany Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Montréal; Muzeum Sztuki; Moderna Galerija – Ljubljana, Ljubljana; National Gallery of Art, Tirana; The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; MAXXI, Rome; GAMeC, Bergamo, among others.


shows at kaufmann repetto

dancers and mourners, 2023, solo show at kaufmann repetto milan
The Wanderers, 2022, solo show at kaufmann repetto new york
The People are Missing, 2017, solo show at kaufmann repetto milan
La Gloria vostra fu Sole, 2014, solo show at kaufmann repetto milan
She, 2012, solo show at kaufmann repetto milan
last Gestures, 2010, solo show at kaufmann repetto milan
Per Speculum, 2006, solo show at kaufmann repetto milan
Slowly, 2004, solo show at kaufmann repetto milan
Sorella Morte, 2003, solo show at kaufmann repetto milan

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adrian paci (b. 1969, Shkodër, Albania) lives and works between Milan and Shkodër.


Selected solo exhibitions

Il vostro cielo fu mare, il vostro mare fu cielo, MUDEC, Milan
Merging Bodies, Madre – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Donnaregina, Naples
Waves and Gazes, Galleria Cukrarna, Ljubjana
Melancolia della resistenza: Béla Tarr / Adrian Paci, Casa Masaccio, San Giovanni Valdarno

, Trieste Contemporanea, Trieste
dancers and mourners, kaufmann repetto, Milan
Soft with Sorrow, Peter Kilchmann, Paris
22nd Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil, São Paulo

POPOLODISENZAPAROLA, Kalfayan Galleries, Athens
The Wanderers, kaufmann repetto, New York
U’ncuontru, Green-Wood Historic Chapel, New York
still voices, Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa

We Apologize, Athens Victoria Square, Athens
U’ncuontru, LAVERONICA arte contemporanea, Modica

Prova, Peter Kilchmann, Zurich

Lost Communities, Kunsthalle Krems, Krems
Adrian Paci. Broken Words, Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburger
Prova, National Gallery of Art, Tirana

TR3 Gallery, Ljubljana
Albanian Stories, Brigham Young University Museum of Art, New York

Di queste luci si servirà la notte, Museo Novecento, Florence
Interregnum, Protocinema, Istanbul
The People are Missing, kaufmann repetto, Milan
The Guardians, Chiostri di Sant’Eustorgio, Milan

The Column, UNSW | Art & Design, Paddington
Sue Proprie Mani, Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich

The Guardians, kaufmann repetto, New York
Sue proprie mani, MAXXI, Rome
Potential Monuments of Unrealised Futures, Architectural Association, London
Kalfayan Galleries, Athens

La gloria vostra fu sole, kaufmann repetto, Milan
Adrian Paci – of lives and tales, Roda Sten Konsthall, Goteborg
Lives in transit, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Montréal
The Column, Trondheim Kunstmuseum, Trondheim
Adrian Paci / The Column, Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden

NCTM – Studio Legale Associato, Rome
Vie en Transit, Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris
Vite in Transito, Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milan
NCTM – Studio Legale Associato, Milan
National Gallery of Kosovo, Prishtina

The Storyteller, Lokal_30, Warszawa
She, a porfolio of etchings, kaufmann repetto, Milan
Per Speculum, Monash University Museum of Art, Caulfield East

The Encounter, Peter Kilchmann, Zurich
Back Home, Galeria e Arteve Shkoder, Shkoder
The Encounter, Laveronica Arte Contemporanea, Sagrato San Bartolomeo

COMMA 28, Bloomberg Space, London
Precarious Life, Istanbul Modern, Istanbul
Motion Picture(s), Kunsthaus Zurich, Zurich
Last Gestures, francesca kaufmann, Milan
, Peter Blum, New York

Centro di Permanenza Temporanea, Outlet Project Room, Istanbul

Center for Contemporary Art CCA, Tel Aviv
Kunstverein Stuk, Leuven
Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover
Bonnier Konsthall, Stockholm
Panoramica, Museo Tamayo, Mexico

Premio Pino Pascali 2007, Museo Pino Pascali, Polignano a Mare
Peter Blum, New York
Smith – Stewart Gallery, New York
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich
Museum Am Ostwall, Dortmund
Per Speculum, Milton Keynes Gallery, Milton Keynes

Per Speculum, francesca kaufmann, Milan
Adrian Paci, Galleria Civica di Modena, Modena
Adrian Paci, Bak, Utrecht
Modern Times, MAN, Nuoro

MoMA PS1, New York
Yale University, New Haven
Perspective 147: Adrian Paci, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, Houston
MC projects, Los Angeles
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich
Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Exit Gallery, Kosovo

francesca kaufmann, Milan
Viafarini, Milan

Baltic Art Center, Gotland
Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich

francesca kaufmann, Milan
Galleria Irida, Sofia
Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, GAMeC, Bergamo
Claudio Poleschi, Lucca

Bildmuseet, Umea
Fondazione Lanfranco Baldi, Florence
Home Sweet Home, Artropia, Milan

National Gallery of Art, Tirana


Selected group exhibitions

Tensiòn Continua, Fundación Baluarte, Pamplona
Exils, Louvre, Lens
Sunset Kino, Oakville Gallery, Oakville
Backstage Engelberg, Engelberg, Zurich
Reporting House, Birn Kosovo, Prishtina
Être Méditerranée, MO.CO., Montpellier
Sous l’azur, Art Explora, Mediterranean Sea
Unhealed, Moderna Museet, Malmö
Carta bianca mediterranea, Art Explora Festival, Venice
ITALIA 70 – I NUOVI MOSTRI, Fondazione Trussardi, Milano
Enzo Mari, the Design Museum, London, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist
I’m gone. Do you remember me?, Ar/Ge Kunst, Bolzano
white sea olive groves, Malta Biennale, Malta

22nd Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil, São Paulo
Costellazioni. The city of ligths, Euroluce, Salone del Mobile, Milan
Io sono confine – I am border, Palazzo Grillo, Genoa
New Horizons, Centraal Museum, Utrecht
Elefsina Mon Amour, Elefsina

AAA ANIMAL AMONG ANIMALS towards the world to come, Spazzapan Regional
Gallery of Contemporary Art, Gradisca d’Isonzo
Guangdond Times Museum, Guangzhou
Manifesta 14, Prishtina
Following Water, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Germany

5 Artists & 5 Videos An Extensive Video Exhibition, The Evliyagil Dolapdere Gallery, Istanbul
The Wonderfulness of Memory, Cukrarna, Ljubljana
PANORAMA | Procida, Procida
Blocks, Albergo delle Povere, Museo Regionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Palermo
The Families of Man, Museo Archeologico Regionale, Aosta
Ecce Homo: l’incontro fra il divino e l’umano per una diversa antropologia, Villa d’Este, Tivoli
Murate Art District, Progetto RIVA, Florence

Enzo Mari curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist with Francesca Giacomelli, Triennale Milano, Milan
Omaggio A Claudia Gian Ferrari, MAXXI, Rome
MOURNING: On Loss and Change, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburger
Vent’anni – Twenty Years, 20th anniversary exhibition, kaufmann repetto, Milan

All that We Have in Common, MoCA, Skopje
Images of Italy, Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Milan
The Warmth of Other Suns, New Museum in New York, Washington
Everyday Life. Economia globale e immagine contemporanea, Galleria Civica Trento, Trento
Un autre monde/dans notre monde, Fonds Régionaux d’Art Contemporain Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Marseille

Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento, Universidad National de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires
Soundlines of Contemporary Art, International Contemporary Art Exhibition Armenia 2018, Yerevan
All Our Secrets, Center for Contemporary Arts, Celje
Festival del paesaggio, Museo della Casa Rossa, Anacapri, Capri
kedem – kodem – kadima, CCA, Tel Aviv
2050. A brief history of the future, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
The Raft. Art is (not) Lonely, Mu. Zee, Oostend

Westkunst – Ostkunst – The Collection on Display, Ludwig Mùzeum, Budapest
7th Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB), Nantou Old Town, Shenzhen
The Trouble with Value, Bunkier Sztuki Gallery of Contemporary Art, Kraków
B3 Biennial of the Moving Image, B3 Festival Center, Frankfurt Main
Lo schermo dell’arte Film Festival, 10th edition, Cinema La Compagnia, Florence
Campi. Convergenze parallele, BACO, Bergamo
Da io a noi: la città senza confini, Quirinale Palace, Rome
I Travelled the World and the Seven Seas, Koninklijk Atheneum Antwerpen, Antwerp
The Travellers: Voyage and Migration in New Art from Central and Eastern Europe, Kumu Art Museum, Tallin
Time is Out of Joint, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna (GNAM), Roma
Da Duchamp a Cattelan. Arte contemporanea sul Palatino, Palatino, Rome
Artists’ Film Festival, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London
Dying Well – False Death, Museum Für Neue Kunst, Freiburg
Violenti confini, Pinacoteca Comunale di Città di Castello, Città di Castello
La Terra Inquieta, Triennale Milano, Milan
Identity flows. Visual routes across the mediterranean sea, Triennale Milano, Milan
Another Place, Frith Street Gallery, London
Thought is Made in the Mouth, Fundacao Eugenio De Almeida, Évora
Aeroports, La Gaité Lyrique, Paris
10 years old, Foro Boario, Modena

D’une méditerranée, l’autre, Hotel des Art and Frac, Marseille
Historicode: Scarcity and Supply, Nanjing International Art Festival, Jiangsu
The New Human, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Arte e Politica. Opere della collezione MACRO, MACRO, Rome
Albanie, 1207km est, Musée des civilisations de l’Europe & de la Mediterranée, Marseille
Picture Tomorrow, 38CC, Delft
From Slow to Stop, The Holden Gallery, Manchester
Firenze, Fondation Etrillard, Florence
Moving Image Department – 5th Chapter: The Economies Of Time, Subverted, The National Gallery, Prague
Terminal P, LA PANACEE – Centre d’art contemporain, Montpellier
Fireflies in the Night Take Wing, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, Athens
From Here to Eternity, Biennale Gherdëina, Ortisei
Clotures et Frontieres, Association La Pépinière à Ventenac, Ventenac
Double Act: Act and Comedy, Metropolitan Arts Centre, Belfast
Two Birds / One Stone, Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin
Moving Tales – Racconti in movimento. Opere video dalla Collezione La Gaia, Complesso Monumentale di San Francesco, Cuneo
Between Myth and Fright. The Mediterranean as Conflict, IVAM Istitut Valenciano de Arte Moderno, Valencia
exhibition 2016, Triennale Milano, Milan
Histórias da infância, Museu de Arte de São Paulo, São Paulo
Emap 2016 Save Our Souls – Art For A Time Of Urgencies, Ewha
Media Art Presentation, Seoul
The Whale That Was a Submarine. Contemporary Positions From Albania and Kosovo, Ludwig Museum – Contemporary Art Museum, Budapest
ILLUMINATION, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk
The Travellers, Zacheta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
Sulla Croce, MASI – Museo d’Arte della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano
Luther Reicht Nicht!, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren, Kaufbeuren
Monumental Narratives: Figures, Landscapes and Rituals, Gas Natural Fenosa Museum, Coruña
Open Sesame, Lumber Room, Portland
Unprotected Zone, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem
FESTIVAL OF POLITICAL PHOTOGRAPHY 2016: HOMELAND, The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki
UPHO Festival, Urban Photo Festival, Lagunillas, Málaga
Urban Layers – New Paths of Photography, Photobiennale, Pier A, Thessaloniki Port Authority, Thessaloniki
MDE15 International Art Encounter of Medellin, Museo De Antioquia, Medellin
A Weed is a Plant out of Place, Lismore Castle Arts, Lismore
Universal Hospitality. Into the City, Wiener Festwochen, Vienna
The New Human, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Two Birds / One Stone, Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin
The House of Impressions, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and MediaArtLab, Moscow
Between Myth and Fright. The Mediterranean as Conflict, IVAM Istitut Valenciano de Arte Moderno, Valencia
Double Act: Act and Comedy, MAC, Belfast
Histórias da infância, Museu de Arte de São Paulo, São Paulo
Low-Budget Utopias, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana
Un autre monde (((dans notre monde))), Galerie du Jour Agnès B., Paris
Avviso di garanzia, Fuori Uso, ex tribunale di Pescara, Pescara

Unprotected Zone, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem
The Migrant (Moving) Image, A Tale of a Tub, Rotterdam
Shame on You, Gallery Of Contemporary Arts, Celje
Si fece carne, l’arte contemporanea e il sacro, Basilica di San Lorenzo, Arcidiocesi fiorentina, Florence
Reliqte, Reloaded, Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz
Private Nationalism, Budapest Galéria, Budapest
LIBERI TUTTI. Arte e società in Italia 1989 – 2001, Museo Ettore Fico, Turin
Horizontal Standing, Off Biennale, Budapest
Memory Lab III, Festival Europeo della Fotografia, Centre d’Art Contemporain Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Il Sosia, Galleria Civica di Trento, Trento
Détails, (screening), Light Cone, Paris
Invisible Violence, Salzburg Kunstverein, Salzburg

Shangri La: Imagined Cities, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery (LAMAG), Los Angeles
Dead Reckoning: Whorled Explorations, Kochi-Muziris Biennale, Kochi
Arte tra Storia e Memoria, Pesaro
2nd Bienal de Montevideo, Uruguay
INHABITING THE WORLD, Busan Biennale 2014, Busan Museum of Art, Busan
Potential Monuments of Unrealised Futures, Albanian Pavillion, 14th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
We Have Never Been Modern, SongEun Art Space, Seul
No man’s land, Jerusalem Artist House, Jerusalem
Ir para volver – leaving to return, 12th International Cuenca Biennial, Cuenca
Who Shall Deliver Us From the Greeks and Romans?, Galeri Mana, Istanbul Journeys, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Neighbours, Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, Istanbul
The Call of Destiny, LiMAC – Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Lima, Madrid

l’œil-écran ou la nouvelle image-100 vidéos pour repenser le monde, Casinò Luxemburg, Luxemburg
All about these… ladies and gentlemen, Gallery On The Move in collaboration with National Gallery of Arts Tirana, National Gallery of Arts, Tirana
The Never Ending Stories Cycle, Autumn Sequence 2013-2014, Musée d’art Moderne et Contemporain, Genève
Everywhere but now, 4th Thessaloniki Biennale, Thessaloniki
Au-delà de cette limite votre ticket n’est plus valable, Pavillon Vendôme, Vichy
La Lettura. Cento copertine d’autore, Triennale Milano, Milan
PLAYTIME, Stadische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau, Munchen
Synthetic Ritual, Northeastern Illinois University Fine Arts Center Gallery, Chicago
Le Pont, Musée d’art contemporain, Marseille
L’innocence du Rèel – L’innocenza del Reale, Fondazione Centro Arti Visive, Pietrasanta
Adrian Paci Selected Works, Screening on High Line Channel 14, High Line, West 14th Street, New York
Bestiario Contemporaneo, Musei Civici di Venezia, Venice
Fuori Rotta, video screening, Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venice
Ici, Ailleurs, la Belle de Mai, Marseille
Second Sight, Stills, Scotland’s Centre for photography, Edinburgh

One Sixth of the Earth, Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechonologie, Karlsruhe
Imagined Places, Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
Time Stood Still, International Biennal Exhibition
MULTIMERIDIAN 2012, Croatian Association of Fine Artists of Istria, Pola Disputed land, Sevastopol Art Museum, Sevastopol
Fuori Uso in Opera, Galleria d’arte contemporanea Cesare Manzo, Pescara Mediterraneo: Incontri o Conflitti?, Palazzo Gargasole, Gagliano del Capo Synthetic Ritual, University of Idaho, Idaho
Obbligo di transito, Galleria d’arte moderna e contemporanea Raffaele de Grada, San Gimignano
Famiglie, Tradizione, Narrazione, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
The Praise of Folly, Fundación Chirivella Soriano, Valencia
4 Films, Peter Blum Chelsea, New York
Gli Artisti Italiani della Collezione ACACIA, Palazzo Reale, Milan
It doesn’t have to be beautiful, unless it’s beautiful, Galleria Nazionale, Pristina
Dialoghi Est/Ovest, Museo Nazionale del Montenegro and Atelier Dado, Cetinjie
Compassion, Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz
Unfinished Journeys, The National Museum of Art, Oslo
Keeping up Appearance, Kunstverein Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden
At Your Service, Technischen Museum, Vienna
Beyond Memory, Museum of the Seam, Jerusalem
The Mediterranean Approach, MAC, Marseille
Da Zero a Cento, le Nuove Età della Vita, Triennale Milano, Milan
Singolarità mobili che abitano uno spazio nomade, Casa dei Teatri, Rome
One Sixth of the Earth (Ecologies of Image), MUSAC, Leon
Premio Italia 2012, MAXXI, Rome

I just want to be loved, MAGA, Gallarate
Quelli che restano, stati d’animo del paesaggio contemporaneo, Spazio Oberdan, Milan
Synthetic Rituals, Pitzer Art Gallery, Claremont
The Global Contemporary. Art Worlds After 1989, ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
Seeing is Believing, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin
Impossible Community, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow
Nuit Blanche, Paris
International Contemporary Art Biennale of Melle, Melle
Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa, Lisbon
Bodily Choreography, Zacheta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
Fayum Portraits + Adrian Paci: No Visible Future, Photoespana 2011, XIV International Festival of Photography and Visual Arts, National Archeology Museum, Madrid
The Mediterranean Approach, Palazzo Zenobio, Venice
I Miss My Enemies, Sala del Camino, former Monastery SS. Cosma e Damiano, Venice
Pino Pascali. Ritorno a Venezia, Fondazione Museo Pino Pascali, Palazzo Bianchi Michiel, Venice
Staging Documentary, lothringer13_halle, Munich
Il confine evanescente. Immagini italiane dalla pittura al digitale, MAXXI, Rome

Haifa Museums, Haifa
Moving worlds, Podblieski Contemporary, Berlin
Community, Museo delle arti Catanzaro, Italy
Premio Città di Treviglio, Museo Civico, Treviglio
Il coraggio, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin
Viaggio in Italia, sguardi internazionali sull’Italia contemporanea, Pistoia
Arcipelago Balkani, Galleria Civica di Modena, Modena
Pacific Meridian, The 8th Vladivostok International Film Festival, Vladivostok

La scultura italiana del XXI secolo, Fondazione Pomodoro, Milan
Eco e Narciso. Cultura materiale \ video, Turin
L’evento immobile – Asolo Art Film Festival (XXIX edition), Castelfranco Veneto
Human Condition, Kunthaus Graz, Graz
I mutanti, Villa Medici, Rome
Artes Mundi 4 Prize, National Museum Cardiff, Cardiff
ATOPIA: Art and the City in the 21st Century, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Barcelona
Linguaggi e sperimentazioni. Giovani artisti in una collezione contemporanea, MART Rovereto, Rovereto
Italian video art at Museo Nacional, Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Madrid
..on the eastern front video art from central and eastern europe 1989– 2009, Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest
Processing a Mirage, Futura, Prague
FUORI CENTRO, HangarBicocca, Milan
Evento immobile. Lo sguardo ostinato, Casa Masaccio, San Giovanni Valdarno
Labyrinth: Freiheit, Forte Asburgico di Fortezza, Fortezza, Bolzano
The Spectacle of the Everyday, Biennal de Lyon, Lyon
Post-American L.A., 18th Street Arts Center, Santa Monica
Anabasis. Rituals of homecoming, Lodz
TICAB Tirana Biannual, Episode 1, Tirana
THE WORLD IS YOURS – Contemporary Art, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark
Turn On: Contemporary Italian Art, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton
8th Baltic Biennial of Contemporary Art, National Musuem Szczecin, Szczecin
10th Habana Biennale, La Habana
Video Europa, Le Fresnoy, Tourcoing
Let us be us, Emil Filla Gallery, Labem
The Storytellers, New York
Liquid Frontiers, Tri Postal, Lille

ARTTLV_08, Tel Aviv Biennale, Tel Aviv
Home?, Galerie Villa des Tourelles, Nanterre
Eurasia, MART, Rovereto
XV Quadriennale, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome
The Way Things Are… Works from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary Collection, Center of contemporary art “Znaki Czasu”, Torun
Street and studio in urban history of photography, Tate Modern, London Peripheral vision and collective body, Museion, Bolzano
Too Early for Vacation, Limerick
Shifting Identities, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich
Mind the Gap, Kusthaus Glarus, Glarus
Every story is a travel story, Candid Arts Trust, London
Rumore: un buco nel silenzio, Spazio Oberdan, Milan
Dopo la Sicilia, Galleria Credito Siciliano, Acireale
Re-Reading the Future, International Triennale of Contemporary Arts, National Gallery, Prague
Lost Paradise – The Angel’s Gaze, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern

Land of human rights, <Rotor> Association for Contemporary Art, Graz
Auto Emotion, The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, Toronto
Prague Biennale 3, Prague
Transculture, Bunkier Sztuki, Crakow
Inbetweeness (Balcani: metafore di cambiamento), San Michele a Ripa, Rome
Senso Unico, MoMA PS1, New York
Collectors 1, Cesac – Centro Sperimentale per le Arti Contemporanee, Caraglio

Wherever we go, Spazio Oberdan, Milan
Wherever we go, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco
Confini, MAN, Nuoro
Fremd bin ich eingezogen, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel
Exposed Memory, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest
Nothing stands still, New Langton Arts, San Francisco
Bin beschäftigt, GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen
Highlights from the KunstFilmBiennale Köln in Berlin, KunstWerke, Berlin
On Air: video in onda dall’Italia, Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea di Monfalcone, Italy
The Grand Promenade, National Museum of Contemporary Art – Emst, Athens
Busan Biennale 2006, Busan
Zones of contact, Biennale of Sydney, Sydney
Venezia-Istanbul, Istanbul Modern, Istanbul
Mixed with pain, Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul Shoot the Family; traveling exhibition (Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus (2007); Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, Saint Louis (2007); Massachusetts College of Art, Boston (2007); Western Gallery, Western Washington University, Bellingham (2006); Knoxville Museum of Art, Knoxville (2006); Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hill
Painting as a way of living, Istanbul Modern, Istanbul
Ecce Uomo (33+1 artisti contemporanei da collezioni private), Spazio Oberdan, Milan
A scuola con gli artisti, Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea di Trento, Trento
60 Minutes Well Spent, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt
This is not America, Braverman ByArtProject, Tel Aviv
Heavy Food, Festival Time in Jazz, Berchidda
Equal and less equal, Museum of the Seam, Jerusalem
Biennale cuvée, World Selection of Contemporary Art, O.K Centrum, Linz
ARS 06, Museum of Contemporary Art KIASMA, Helsinki

Berlin Photography Festival, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin
More Than This, Biennale Visual Arts, Goteborg
Il Grande Teatro del Mediterraneo. Atto primo: differenti visioni, Trevi Flash Art Museum, Trevi
Art Film Biennale, Koln
ADAM, Smart project space, Amsterdam
Projekt Migration, Kolnischer Kunstverein, Koln
Sempre un po’ più lontano, Biennale Visual Arts, Venice
Irriducibile: Contemporary Short Form Video, Miami Art Central, Miami Going public’ 05, Contemporary Art Center, Larissa

Pathos/Gefuhle, Raumpool Rhein-Main, Frankfurt am Main
New Video, New Europe, Renaissance Society, Chicago; Travelling exhibition, Contemporary art Museum, St.Luis, Tate Modern, London
Biennale di Cetinje, Montenegro
Sevilla Biennale, Seville
Dimensione Follia, Galleria Civica di Trento, Trento
Triennale di Tallin, Tallin
On air, Galleria Comunale di Monfalcone, Montefalcone
I Nuovi Mostri, Fondazione Trussardi, Milan
Exiting Europe, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig
The Yugoslav Biennial of Young Artists, Vrsac
Empowerment/Cantiere Italia, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genoa
Z.A.T. Zone Artistiche Temporanee, Civica Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Gallarate
Se Bashku, Museum of Contempory Art, Upsala
Who is Singing Over There, Sarajevo
Periplo del Mediterraneo, Loggia di Banchi, Genoa

Looking Away, Apex Art, New York
Vacio 9, MadridGestures, Printemps de Septembre, Festival of Contemporary Images, Toulouse
In den Schluchten des Balkan. Kunst aus dem Südosten Europas, Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, Kassel
Draft, Kunsthalle Zurich, Zurich
Riflessioni sugli effetti delle guerre, Galleria Milano, Milan
Mille e Una Notte, Stecca degli Artigiani, Milan
Isola (Art) Project Milano, MACMO, Geneve
Blood and Honey, Sammlung Essl, Vienna
Multitudini-Solitudini, Museion, Bolzano
Strangers to Ourselves, Hasting Museum, Hasting
Se Bashku, 2nd Tirana Biennal, Tirana
Skin Deep, MART, Rovereto
G2003, Vira
Bitter / sweet harmony, Digital ArtLab, Holon

In Search of Balkania, Neue Galerie, Graz
EXit, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin
5th Werkleitz Biennial, Berlin
Nuovo Spazio Italiano, MART, Rovereto
The Horse would Know but the Horse can’t Speak, Premio Furla, Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venice
It’s ain’t much but it’s home, Binz 39 (with Emanuel Licha), Zurich
Rain, Fotofest, Houston
Videolounge, Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, Rome
Boundless, Belgrad

Short Stories, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan
I Valencia Biennal, Valencia
Premio Michetti, Francavilla al Mare
I Tirana Biennal, Tirana
Generator, Claudio Poleschi, Lucca
Le Mois de la Photo à Montreal, Montreal
Beautiful Strangers, Ifa Gallery, Berlin
Ostensiv, Kunstraum Leipzig, Leipzig
A Sense of Wellbeing, Karlovy Vary
Killing me Softly, Bildmuseet Umea, Umeå
Arteast Collection 2000+, Innsbruck
Viafarini, Milano
In & Out, National Gallery of Art, Tirana

dAPERTutto (APERTO over ALL), 48th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, Venice
Lost & Found, Center for Electronic Media De Waag, Amsterdam

Permanent Instability, National Gallery of Art, Tirana
Oberhausen Short Film Festival, Oberhausen
BAN Exhibition, International House, Bruxelles
Manifesta 3, Lubljiana
Noi amiamo l’Italia l’Italia ama noi, Pinacoteca Cascella, Ortona
Arteast Collection 2000+, Museum of Modern Art, Lubljiana
Coast to Coast, Placentia Arte, Piacenza
Kasseler Dokumentarfilm-und Videofest, Kassel


Selected public collections

Solomon Guggenheim Foundation, New York
MoMA – Museum of Modern Art, New York
Metropolitan ;Museum of Art, new york
MoCA – Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami
Seattle Art Museum, Seattle
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris
FNAC – Fonds national d’art contemporain, Puteaux
Kunsthaus Zurich, Zurich
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund
Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Montréal
Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz
Fundaciò “La Caixa”, Barcelona
Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana
National Gallery of Art, Tirana
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
GAMeC, Bergamo
MAGA, Gallarate
Galleria Civica di Modena, Modena
Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt


Art for Peace Award

Arquiteturas Film Festival, Lisbon (Winner of the Best International Short Film)

15th Quadriennale of Rome

Pino Pascali Prize


corriere della sera, 2024

il sole 24 ore, 2024

la repubblica, 2023

artreview, 2022

il manifesto, 2021

juliet art magazine, 2020

odda, 2018

La Repubblica, 2017

il Sole 24 ore, 2017

Zero, 2017

ATP diary, 2017

il Corriere della sera, 2017

EL PAÍS, 2016


Art in America, 2016

frieze, 2014

la repubblica, 2013

Il Corriere della Sera, 2013

Artforum, 2011


Frieze, 2005

Tema Celeste, 2002